Creating an account
Final Forms link: https://www.lwsd.org/students-families/for-students-and-families

What does a "cleared" student's dashboard look like? ALL GREEN! (yours will say "soccer" instead of baseball)
However, this student is not done - their parents must also complete the online checklist on Final Forms.

Parent Instructions (after creating an account)
1. Visit https://lakewashington-wa.finalforms.com/
2. Click LOGIN under the Parent icon.
4. Select the sport for which you would like to register. Your selection can be changed at any time prior to the registration deadline.
5.Complete each form and sign your full name in the Parent Signature field at the bottom of the page. After signing a form, click SUBMIT FORM and move on to the next form.
6. You will see a “Forms Finished” message when all forms are complete.
7. An email will automatically be sent to the your student, prompting them to complete the forms requiring their signature.
8.Click MY STUDENTS when you are done. Repeat steps 3 - 6 for additional students.
9. If you need to update your information, click the UPDATE FORMS button.
Students are required to complete a WIAA contract if they do not attend the school full-time.
What does a completed parent's dashboard look like? ALL GREEN!